Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Back on Line Again


It took long enough but we rather I’m back online again. Not that we should have ever gotten taken off line to begin with. From the many people that I have talked to here in this bassackwards town have replied they wouldn’t have gotten offended by what I told the little spoiled brat at the only wireless internet provider, rather taken it as it was intended, as a compliment and left it at that.

Got the invoice from John at I4 in Woods Cross, Utah for the place there. I can’t understand though why they would have thought I abandoned it, I mean ok, I fall on my but on the 2nd of January broke my hip and hammered a knee, so was in the hospital for a few days, and yes offline, but heck not like I forgot about the office/studio, but hey , if they need me out of there fine, so gave the invoice to our local Bishop here who is also a supporter of the club and the radio station concept, he told me he’d send it out, and so now just trying to confirm things from both ends. Just a happy day in Wyoming, but we are getting there, again.

As for the Reaper Club, we put that on hold, mainly because there is no open or available liquor license open bar license to be had in Evanston, but we are looking at another couple of locations, for Cooter’s Grill here, so at least people can eat southern , just not drink like they are in Georgia, or at least Hazzard.

Come April the trucks for Cooter’s Toewing here>426087326v4_400x400_Front_Color-Yellow will be here so we’ll start work that way through summer, and this fall begin the effort to Hazzard County Choppers.

As I close, I tried a in roads approach to the local newspaper here. Of course this was redirected to advertising, and quite frankly at $18.00 per column inch was a bit up there, especially when the Hazzard Gazzette, only charges a flat rate of $50.00 a month no matter how many times a month you run an ad or, how big it is, but still looking at doing some business with the local paper, just don’t yet know how much.

Finally, the location of this years Hazzard County Nationals bike and truck in show has been selected,(drum roll please?) It is Montpelier at the Bear Lake County Fairgrounds there. Let you know dates next time.

My views on Evanston Wyoming , next time here in Wolf Tymez.




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