After a day of freezing this is the first time all dang day I’ve been warm. Sitting here with a cup of SwissMiss and letting the storm roll through. While I should be packing, I’m kicking back. First with little to no antifreeze in WolfPup can’t get on the road Wednesday as planned, so it looks like I’ll be here until mid Saturday, and going down Sunday night into early morning so I can make sure John at I4 gets the monies for both December and January’s office/studio rent. Then do some negotiating with the new landlord here about staying put, which sadly to say, while not my plans , must be God’s plans. In fact it happened the same way nearly last month as it is this month. Just when I’m thinking of departing, God say’s naw ya’ll ain’t. And decides to kick up a storm, to keep me in my place.
Which brings me to topic.
We all must know and if you don’t ya’ll are in for a big surprise in the other dimension of Stovacore,(Klingon-Heaven) that God owns all, created all, controls all, and we are merely his servants, tools if you will, to do his work. God sees a need , and don’t ask me why, I get sent in to fix it. I must be God’s mechanic. Considering that Evanston Wyoming is the last place on this third rock from the sun, that I ever thought of moving back to. The occurrences, and memories of the past in 2006 are not so rapidly forgotten. Case in point, even the Uinta County Herald wont let me go browzing in the classifieds any more on their online editions. But there must be something really important that God wants me to do here, or he wouldn’t be making such a fuss. This is not the only time this kind of thing has happened. I had visions the day in 2008 when I after so much manure flowed through the chute, in Glenn’s Ferry, Idaho then, I was sticking my neck out to move to Boise. God then, said naw ya’ll ain’t. So he dumps down the snow, covers the sky so only FX came in on the satellite TV and only SOA was on the TV. God wanted me to regroove the club into the Knytes-of-Anarchy. It might have stayed all Hazzard County had that storm never came in. Of course going to Goon’s Ferry to begin with I was not for, in fact he was quite insistent on it. First I lost the muffler on WolfPup, going from Pocatello to Glenn’s Ferry, then lost the tail pipe, at just past the I-84/86 split, then just about to Raft River, blew a tire. Which took forever to fix it seemed.
Which he was determined for me to do, once I had completed it, in Knytes-rules number 11, when the job is done walk away. So after the club had been renamed and re-established in Boise, it was time for me to carry that message to Gooding. Just like when I moved from Bliss Idaho to Buhl, God didn’t want me to go, but once I did, he was determined for me to do something and had me give breath and birth to what has become HazzardAyre.
God’s work never ends, we always might not understand or comprehend why God has us do certain things, but if you truly Love God, and his Son Jesus Christ, you will hear his voice, you’ll get the nudge from the Holy Ghost, and you’ll trust yes have faith that God is doing the right thing. While I’d much rather be bathing in the warmth if ya’ll can call it that in Woods Cross Utah right now at 12 above zero, I’m here hearing the winds blowing so hard at 20mph, that sounds like a bunch of cats thrown into a fight, and 3 below zero, in Evanston Wyoming, but God must have something big for myself and the club to accomplish here.
But it’s 3:00 in the morning, I’m going to crawl under my blanket and quilt again on the floor, the local LDS Bishop has yet to drive over to help, or help with a bed, but I guess God expects me to do that on my own. But ya’ll know my feelings on that. I was reading a piece in the latest Ensign, about being a witness for Jesus Christ. I try to be every day, I will strike up a conversation any time anyone wants to talk about our Heavenly Father or his son, who gave us the greatest gift of all, our path to salvation, if we only will hear his words, absorb his love, follow his teachings and in those teachings it tells us to teach everyone, but more importantly be a witness of his love and understanding.
God has a plan, and while it may not always fit in my plans or aspirations, still I have faith that what ever it is, God has a plan, a duty for me to do here in southwestern Wyoming, or I would not be here.