It’s not just the entertainment areas of HollyWood that needs a wake up jab, but the damn mainstream press.
In the underground there’s a thing called the Southern Movement, something HazzardAyre radio is all for, lets face it Abe Lincoln’s government couldn’t do the nation a decent government after 200 years now its time for Jefferson Davis’s people took over. I’ve been preaching this as far back as 9-11.
I said then that Junior Bush was in there long enough to fix his Dad’s game and get out. Amongst that as your learning that its not just Obamabeenlyin to ya but George’s bunch was up to no good as well. The torture of prisoners . Really? But sure nuff brother it was and is being done. But has the mainstream press been keeping up with the Southern Movement? Yes and no. No from the fact that getting anything on say FoX or CNN news of our southern government, party the Confederate National Party, is an open party recognized all over the USA, and one, even someone in Utah or Idaho or Wyoming could run a person on in and election and win on the CNP ticket.
Imagine if everyone whether it be republican , democrat or tea party, knew of and thought that the CNP was there biting at their heels that they might act different, that a national political party that loves, recognizes and respects this flag> and realizes that>
then perhaps the rest of our nation can begin to heal.
But its just one area that few want to go there, but every once in awhile there will come some story either nationally or over even a Yahoo news page, that I’ll read, and know that the idea for that story or article came from HazzardAyre.
The places you get your information, are not beyond bribery either. That in my next entry, but if Hollywood should be worried, the nations news churn should be having conniption shits, because no body I mean NOBODY covers news and public interest like the unencumbered absolutely free, HazzardAyre, Wolf Tymez.
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