Friday, December 12, 2014

oops Spoke too soon but then we ain’t Google

wolf prowl

Seems as though I spoke too soon.

On one of my last blog entries I complimented Google and it’s blogging program Blogger. Well seems as though the fancy web dancer from Mountain View California’s Google plant has had a hiccup. More like a throw up. So what did I do, removed it from this fangled antique computer, know what? Found that I’m not having as many tech centered problems.

Not saying I won’t have any with Internet Explorer, but at least there’s a bit of relief.

But then HazzardAyre Radio and all its subsidiaries are not Google, or Yahoo, or any of them. In fact the foundation under HazzardAyre is older than both them and the internet as far as it is today.

Seems as though if you download anything from the web that has to do with Google, your also misdirected into the cob web of Penny Bunny, which is a malware adware program designed by hackers to steal files. I don’t know if Google knows this but somebody in the know needs to tell them. Before something bad happens. But we’re not the only ones. Sony/BMI got hacked, Sony Pictures got hacked,. Our world of the cyber highway has a bunch of unwanted bandits on it and if your not careful , and even if you are, your going to hit a cyber pothole.

It’s called greed for green.

What’s going to be interesting is to see is if my mother computer got hit.

HazzardAyre has 35 years on it, very little hiccups and IS MAKING albeit slowly, but makes money each month. Maybe those hackers with PennyBunny can come and be legit employees at HazzardAyre?

More in the overnight, my brain needs to drain.


me too CLUB LOGO

my good bye_thumb

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