There’s only those that are, those that are not, and those that want to be.
In the Dixie Nation we’ve seen and felt those that somehow consider that us from Dixie stock, up bringing and all to be either a fad, or of those of not too much intelligence. The Rebel hillbilly or along those lines. The reality those from the Dixie Nation are extremely intelligent, raised with correct morals and a belief in God, and at least in heart this union, founded all so many years ago.
The war of northern aggression was not our best moment, and granted Lee should have pushed through, he left the whole premise to that war that was the bloodiest and took more lives than any conflict in the USA’s history. Oh one can say that the big wars , WW1 WWii and so on were bad, but at least the dead and lost were recovered in part or at least remembered. The War of the North to the south, still has countless dead, missing in action and lost graves that are barely marked yet few if anyone knows who is in the grave.Without a name, unknown.
There are those that list only the few southeastern states as part of the Dixie Nation. However there are pieces of the Dixie Nation that stretch from Texas to California. Southwestern and even Mountain Western States. New Mexico, Arizona, Southern Utah , parts of Wyoming, and Idaho were and are parts of the Dixie Nation. Yet the only things one hears is the call or rebel yell, from Georgia, or the Carolinas.
TV shows such as the Dukes of Hazzard helped energize those wondering of their confederate ancestors, certain customs like NASCAR and cooking come to mind and yes we’ll bring into light those things here. But being a member of the Dixie Nation is so much more than that, its believing in the causes of the Dixie Nation, and saying its our turn.
Northern politicians, would have you believe that they won that war, schools will not teach the truth out of fear of ridicule, many just don’t want to acknowledge that great travesties and crimes were committed on a nation that was right then and right now. The way we see it in the Knytes of Anarchy, the Hazzard County Knytes and the entire Dixie Nation, is that we’ve done it Abe Lincoln’s way for 200 years, maybe its time to put Jefferson Davis’s way now, lets put President Davis’ play book in the game and see what happens.
There’s a very strong belief in the Dixie way. That folks get what you work for, yet we have a person in the White House that is working with other of his cronies to make the entire union one big all inclusive union, one not elected, but ruled by him. Not God or Jesus Christ, but a tyrant. The day is coming where this union will be just a few regions, going back to the days when states were grouped together, where they were called territories, and a big table in one big building, will be the assistants to the tyrants wishes and decrees. Reminds one of ancient Rome and Ceaser. Instead of free TV or Radio it’ll be what the Tyrant wishes to show you, it’ll be a union of controlled health care, employment for those that work will work at tasks proclaimed by the tyrant. You’ll live in Union controlled housing, as for radio? It’ll be radio free America, not radio free Europe. Democracy is dead as it sits right now. It’s about a one world domination union, and the heart of it , will be on the grounds of plantations once owned by our Dixie ancestors.
On the subject of Radio.
Here’s the real deal. Sitting in a new fangled office at 707 West 700 South in Woods Cross Utah, is a office/studio with just over $15k worth of radio gear. That the Knytes chose as to being the HQ of HazzardAyre Radio.
Due to a personal tragedy I had to move into a trailer house in Wyoming, leaving radio gear behind and my master computer. While it’ll mean giving up the comforts of the trailer house and living in sub standard quarters will be required, I can bail out most if not the HQ of HazzardAyre Radio and continue on with its mission, of being the one of only two voices of Dixie Nation liberty. Ours, and one found at , The fact is both Ray and I have the same visions of southern heritage and history preservation and liberty. The Knytes of Anarchy just goes about it a bit more aggressively.
There are many southern heritage historical groups out there. The Sons of Confederate Veterans is one of them. The John L Coffee Camps is located in Colorado, we are in the Mountain West, the Knytes-of-Anarchy aka Hazzard County Knytes, but the vision is of the same. We are more in the fight not just to preserve the past and honor the south, but to enlighten and fire up a union to a more modern version of the confederacy , but did anyone from say the Long Live the South, cough up or even say we’ll help contribute to the save HazzardAyre fund? Nope. Now I know times are hard, hell I had to near beg for food scraps and tobacco, this past month, but I also know that many could have as easily coughed up a ten or twenty dollar bill, put it in an envelope or made out a check, for $20.00 and sent that to us. Some have asked how can just a twenty dollar bill get to $2,000.00 that we need? If every Dukes-of-Hazzard fan, every so called southern heritage preservationist, that I see on some Facebook and other pages sent us $20.00 we’d have the thing done. Look the money ain’t for me, its to help an organization save one of if not the only true voice of the Dixie Nation, and we are a nation, growing every day.
Ray has the luxury of having an ad agency, and managing a big TV station in Atlanta. While he has made great strides, just this year getting a license plate legal on all vehicles in Georgia with the Confederate flag and SOCV logo emblazoned there on. The Knytes-of-Anarchy here in the Mountain West just the year we came together under our new banner got the Confederate National Party, legal to elect candidates on.Southern issues are issues of the entire nation. The freedoms and liberties of the Dixie Nation are the same for the entire union. Do we have all the answers? No, only one true Heavenly Father has those, he knows above all else, but we as those raised by parents of the south with ancestry of the south were raised with a loving, hard working mostly agrarian work force, but raised with a Bible in the house that very seldom had dust on it. It was read daily. We lived by the sweat of our brow, gave lady’s courtesy, honored our families, our mothers, fathers and brothers/sisters. We believed in family, yet those that could have taken the same amount of money that would go to feed one day their family and fasted, and sent that $20.00 or so dollar check to us, just gave lip service.
The full Dixie Nation/HazzardAyre website still needs to be built, that costs money, the full radio/TV network of HazzardAyre still needs finished, that costs money, many of our members are not in a place to do that, they are off in some foreign land battling the foes of the tyrant, in service and duty to the domestic union. Yet too few are even willing to help, yet can be seen waving our battle flag and say I’m a confederate. I have said this in the past, Hazzard County is not just a place on earth or something that is popular, Hazzard County is a place in the heart, so too is the Dixie Nation.
So if any of you can squeak out a $20.00 this Christmas or at least before December 31st, and send it to us, we’d be forever thankful.
TTYLY (That stands for; talk-at-you-later-ya’ll)
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