If you run across this ad in the Uinta County Herald for a place to hang your hat in Evanston Wyoming, run and hide, do not pay nothing and know going in what’s in the ad is not the real deal.
Here’s the ad:> What the ad does not tell you is the extra expenses and lack of infrastructure. Example, no cable TV only option is a satellite, which is going to cost you money to install. Next Internet access. The only Internet access is NGL, who are great folks, but your looking at or at least I did, of $175.00 , another person will be looking at $80.00 . Landline phone, sure if you want to pay for a rewire, $280.00 . Critters living in the place? Yes, mice galore, earwigs, spiders. Next Location way out in the boonies, Yellow Creek Road is really in the desert of Uinta County Wyoming, if you don’t have gas for your ride, forget driving , you’ll have to walk to town and in mid freezing weather here you’ll die first before you get to town.
Sure utilities are paid, water, trash, power , heat, but you’ll be bored as heck in about a week of tranquility.
But this goes to a talk I had with a club member yesterday and I’ll share that in my next report, but if you come across this ad
Don’t call on it, its not a real deal, it borders on fraud, which means, I’m back to Utah part time until spring when the Knytes finish the purchase of Lotty’s Bar & Grill here and convert it into The Reaper Club>
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