Crisp and white, is what’s outside. In a quandary , do I try to drive into town for some milk and such or do I wait for my neighbors to get home and talk em into driving me to the store?
Despite its draw backs Internet TV delivers what few if any of the standard satellite/cable or broadcast fare does.
Let me give you an example.
On Hulu there’s a show that’s running on there from the BBC called Fresh Meat, no it’s not about that, get your mind out of the ditch. It’s a bunch of college kids, Freshman at a Manchester England University and the daily conflicts of dorm life. In a way its a slightly more intense version of the Big Bang Theory with more Characters. But I’d never would have started watching it if I hadn’t taken Hulu’s advice and tried or explored that. To date its now listed as one of my favorite TV shows. The dialog is creatively written, a great cast one now that I’m following, is a gal named Kimberley Nixon, who plays Josie in the series.
Not only is she cute looking but she can act. My where is she in American talent searches. The USA Hollywood community needs to keep an eye on her.
But if I’d never ventured out of the usual viewing habits I’d’ve never discovered her. Thinking of casting her in one of our upcoming features.
Then outside of TV, I was tooling along the other day, just past Nate’s truck shop and saw some shops for rent. Again never would have found them if I hadn’t dared to go look. Course now wished I hadn’t cuzz now need fuel.
But I think we all do that. We get so complacent in our safe comfortable domiciles and zones that if something seems out far or slightly obscure we never dare to go look under the leaf to see what’s under it, just marvel at the leaf or in this mornings weather , snow cover. What’s under there?
I think of the many star Trek episodes and parts to that series. If the crew never ventured past the Tehran universe(Milky Way) past the Pluto StarGate past the Epsilon Nebula, nobody would have discovered the great unknown, the Klingon aliance, the Vulcan alliance and all would never have been known. Part of that is not daring to go beyond what we feel is safe, yet I think we often, are far too timid to extend ourselves.
I consider this too when I look at the great expanses of Wyoming and even Utah. What if, excepting for the religious need to escape Nauvoo that great explorers had never decided to come west? What if Lewis and Clark, had said we ain’t going there, them bears and critters might harm us. What if the hands of friendship albeit at times false, and just a way for a Government land grab, but what if certain explorers like Daniel Boone would have never shook the hand or broke bread with Native American’s , there would be no relations with those of tribes west of the Mississippi. Wyoming would still be a territory. What if the great geologists never punched a hole in the ground to see if there’s water, only to find oil and other fuels that are the mainstays of modern commerce and society. What if Bill Gates and Steve Jobs decided that 64k of ram was enough. there’d be no Internet as we know it, there’d be no Apple or Microsoft, or for that matter Google. What if Mark Zukerburg had decided not to gamble on a social exchange beyond what was already there? Of course there’d be no Facebook. I could go on and on here from scientifically and other advancements never would be if someone hadn’t said lets go see what’s out there. And it’s not just in big cities. Then there are those things that when you come to an area you think, my here’s an idea lets go look at this.
Example, speaking of Internet TV, and we in the Knytes are working with a local internet services provider to make this happen, but here in Evanston, beyond the areas of cable/satellite connection there is no TV. Just ain’t. Not because great cable/satellite firms can’t but that its not at current time economically safe. But I get weatherbug on my computer. The only way I have to know if there’s a big winter storm coming. Sure there are over the air TV stations in Utah that come in here, but only if you have a digital TV and antenna. If you don’t your well not getting TV. While the FCC has no plans yet on opening up a filing window for new LPTV(Low Power TV) stations, why not a local Internet TV station here? Sure there’s the great Newspaper here, but that’s once a week, sure there is sort of radio here, but that’s really up in the air. What if there was a local TV station , broadcast over the Internet, so at least those with a computer and internet, could learn of news, and weather or disaster threats. NGL is being great at helping the Knytes develop this resource, but I really think that those that say, can’t be done would look to the more common good here. The not so deep in the pockets people here could use information, if it were provided. Sure and I like the company but I think that companies like AllWest are very short sighted here when they stop the cable line at the city/county line. Just across the street on trailer park has access to cable TV. When it would be so easy for Allwest to just run a line across the road and network the park I’m in. Yet for the small population here they don’t, not cost effective they say. Bullsbreath. It’s like my neighbors next door, who I really like, it’s nice to have people who truly care. But they can’t watch the news, why can’t afford the satellite, their access to information is a app on a smart phone, and that’s if the app works. Even then it’s not local. It’s Salt Lake City. It’s not just Evanston Wyoming either. I know of several areas of Idaho in this same spot. Malad Idaho, just over the border in Utah, no local cable, why? Cable-One says its too small , not cost effective. Bliss Idaho, population 210 . Only TV, is a translator on Bell Rapids, with only one small LPTV station out of Twin Falls that will go digital next year by FCC regulatory requirements, yet Cable-One says its too expensive to run the wire from Hazzard(Hagerman) to Bliss. Sure sticking your necks out might get your head chopped off, but every now and then you might discover a vast area, that only makes economic sense, but common need sense. Now if I only had shoes , not sneakers , so I could go take a walk to go explore.
If you don’t explore, you don’t learn, and when we find ourselves in a place where we no longer want to learn, we all might as well give up, as there’s nothing more.
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