Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Still alive but having growth problems

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The Christmas song says its white outside and life is great indoors. Here in Wyoming and northeastern Utah its cold alright but no snow or very little of it.

But I did not come here to yap about the weather, but a situation caused in part by a Yankee scoundrel in Ogden who makes Boss Hogg look like a good guy.

At least old Boss had a heart.

The conditions are too deep and would take a 10 page blog to explain, but suffice to say that in late October 2014 always my bad month, I had to move inside the studios of HazzardAyre just to gain a roof over my head. Add to that the people who lease the facilities we rent for studio/office never delivered the mail. So a $3,000.00 bill from Comcast kicked us in the groin. But after some tough negotiation we got CenturyLink. But then by late November here came the P&Z of dear Woods Cross Utah, so I had to find a place to live.

But with that rent is needed to be paid for December to save the studio, we’re not talking a bunch here $300.00 will save everything with plans to relocate same here closer to me here in Wyoming.

HazzardAyre Radio is vital to keep not only on the air but to educate even northern Yankee folks that what they were raised to know about the war of Northern Aggression, is false at best.

Since 2011 HazzardAyre has been doing just that, with some time outages due to some sponsors namely those of Northern Yankee based companies bowing out. Guess the truth will hurt.

Dig this since 1977 long before there was a Dukes-of-Hazzard , Dixie Trucker Radio was on the air in a 100 mile range talking southern heritage. Of course when I ran nearly on to all things Hazzard and Dukes, a small hot rod club and unofficial fan club of all things Dukes was created with blessings of Lou Step Productions, Warner Brothers and Associate Producer of the Dukes, Skip Ward. In November 1982 admitst of tax revenuers and all a club was officially chartered called the Hazzard County Knytes. With 15 local southern loving gearheaded Marines in the town of Hagerman Idaho.

The politicians of Idaho loved it so much that the official nick name to Hagerman Idaho is Hazzard.

In May 1983 KHCK or Hazzard County Kountry officially signed on the air at 105.7 on the FM dial. And was and still maintains being the one fight the system, none establishment radio station with our Confederate battle flags flying, and our hearts singing Dixie.

In 1985 The UCSMC came calling and the Knytes moved the station to Boise. I was away but the club ran the station as best that they could, but the Hazzard flavor never fell.

Of course 1985 the original series left CBS and all felt was lost. The original call letters to the station was sold, and in 1987 KTOW or KAY TOE(tow) FM went on its place at 93.4 Atomic City Idaho. Based in American Falls Idaho. The Hazzard Knytes kept it going.

I came home and built the only at the time true custom mid sized diesel repair shop, called the Dixie Diesel Shop, a truck shop as only Cooter could build, at that point I had adopted that nick name even though AyreWolf/RoadWolf was still the under current.

What better way to get at it than Dixie Diesel Radio? So in 1997 KDXC FM was erected in Rigby Idaho, with 2500 watts FM and remained as the home of Dixie Diesel Radio.

As life goes the Hazzard Knytes needed funding. With the Dukes off the TV CBS nor Warner Brothers would not contribute a dime. But we had faith. In 1998 KOAL Radio in Price Utah allowed us to buy time two hours each week to air Dixie Diesel. With that when the Interstate Radio Network went up for sale, and $800K the Hazzard County Knytes purchased ITRN and rebadged it Dixie Diesel Trucker Radio Network.

With the promise of a glorious new empire 30 miles from the clubs home of creation in Glenn’s Ferry, the network moved home to Idaho. But the living and other conditions there were atrocious. Several attempts had been made to refire the network and home ship station but no avail. In 2000, and this is where Ayre got into the mix.

I was sitting in my living room, watching of all TV shows, BlackSheep Squadron. When overhead flew over 3 F4U Corsair fighter aircraft. After some snooping a bit, found those blue birds landed at the Jerome County Airport, and hid inside the hangars of a place called AirPower Unlimited.

I got on there sweeping and such, and started doing some sniffing around to the point got into the fabrication of old vintage warbird aircraft. Its one thing to build a $300k hot rod, its another to build a $5,million dollar restored warbird. Flying was a flavor the Hazzard Knytes never tasted before, but a few phone calls, and the first subsidiary of the Hazzard Knytes was born in 2001 as the BlackSheep Aviation Association. When some uppity outfit in Boston bitched it was rebadged the BlackSheep Vintage Aviation Association, and when that while not prohibited , the USMC was not too keen on it, although the members of our club were and are discharged and currently serving members of that squadron. Any flyte, so we just took it off(no pun intended) as the AyreWolvez Military Aviation Association. The ayreWolvez is why even after the restoration of the radio gig in Idaho in 2009 I relocated back to Utah, but not killing the base of what we are citizens of that beautiful community called Hazzard.

Now lets get in between a few things though.

In 2002 after I landed in Layton Utah we got to rebuilding the radio gig with some help from some air nuts from HAFB Utah. So we looked for call letters, KWLF was taken, so that would not work, but a further search turned up an item if interest. Here was a small online radio station in Nashville, called Wolffm. Built by a blind guy in a wheel chair with a seeing eye dog in a third floor apartment. Thought was if he could do it so could the Hazzard Knytes/AyreWolvez. In 2009 after much trial and error, mostly error, in a one room office in Gooding Idaho, Dixie Diesel/SAMCRWO Radio was born.

But again expenses and growing pains put that in the back room shelf.

By a bolt of lightening in Buhl Idaho I was awakened with the name and how to regrow the Hazzard County Radio legacy.

What few Knytes there was then there, and I said lets do this and in 2011 HazzardAyre as a weekly published newspaper was born. In 2013 HazzardAyre as a radio station online was born, and in the spring of 2014 went on Livestream.com as a syndicated network.

With the popularity of it all and even with the competitors from Dixie Broadcasting.com and others biting at our heels we grabbed a facility. Which brings us to now.

HazzardAyre Radio needs to raise $2,000.00 to keep this mighty voice of all things southern, all things Dixie and most importantly all things Hazzard County alive.

There is an offer on the table from XM/Sirius satellite to establish the only fan based radio network on satellite called HazzardAyre, in 2016. We can’t, we shouldn’t let HazzardAyre die, and believe me I’m busting tail out of my own pocket to do it, but the snow being none existent this year , last summers flying being lean and costing way more than I made due to fuel prices, and the club loosing some steam money wise, we in the Hazzard Knytes needs your help.

If every fan of, every historian every champion of things both Hazzard County-aka Dukes, and southern heritage took $20.00 or even $10.00 out of their Christmas money those that are on the group page Long Live The South and all and sent that to us, we’d have enough to get us over this snag of financial collapse, and get us back on the air, and keep Dixie alive.

As I close, and I find this terrible, but we were the only regional online radio station , airing Common Sense Radio, I like Beth Ann but on her site we’re no longer listed. Be that as it may. We can over come this, but its going to take as many fans to help out of their wallets as there are Duke fans, and southern heritage preservationists.

In closing only by us being on the air, and not having to again rebuild, are we going to retain the consistency to get XM/Sirius to go through with helping us to establish HazzardAyre on that system.

So if your thinking of what to do for Christmas and give to something you all treasure, take that left over $10.00 or $20.00 , make out a check or money order and send it to:

HazzardAyre Radio , 3079 Yellow Creek Road #1741 Evanston Wyoming 82930 and help the Knytes save HazzardAyre.

How the Hazzard Knytes, became the Knytes-of-Anarchy next entry, but please help us, show Gary Coon and all the rest you love Hazzard County, show the Hazzard County community you are not only fans but take its messages to heart, and help us to save HazzardAyre Radio.



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