The view from above includes picturesque glimpses of a man in flight looking over a
wide open territory expanse. Which is what I see as I hover over the southwestern sky
of near Evanston Wyoming and north eastern Utah. The deer are running and frolicking
helped catch a poacher yesterday. I can see if its for food, hell I’ve been tempted a few
times to draw out my ought 6 and take one, but if its for trophy, leave em and their
fawns alone.
Then there is that cougar that’s prowling Yellow Creek area of Uinta County Wyoming. There’s
a trailer park here that has many toy dogs. Ones that squeak as they bark, not a grand whoof
but a yapping that drives one nuts, and for me lately its not a drive its a short putt.
That cougar is looking for a lunch snack and them little dogs don’t stand a chance. Makes one think of the city kitty’s that are just about a quick bite ending 9 lives.
So yesterday night before I turned off my lights for bed, been doing that at around 21:00
in dispersed with the neighbors whining kids. It’s amazing, had that in Ogden where you’d expect it, but here in the expanse of the lower Wyoming desert?
So sent former Bishop of the Sullivan Road ward of the LDS church with my new address,
in the email, thinking a reply would come that Bishop Dunlap got the message and he’d relay that to the one in my
area now. Yet nothing.
Guess I need to do this myself. While the church is building new Temples all over the grand area. The membership of the church is somewhat declining. Many are in the throws of the fighting over gender equality of the priesthood, in that many women would like to take a shot or get a seat in the Bishops chair, not just Sunday school or the like.
Then there are the promises. Don’t get me wrong, I’dve been a dead wolf had my Bishop in Ogden decided to turn his back, perhaps if had’ve I’dve been better off, since I’dve been moved here long before this and into building a business and the hell of the office residency, and such might have been avoided.
I’ve darn near finished reading, Gospel Principals in near dark conditions, need to buy a new lamp.
But now I need more to read. The books I got from my former Bishop are in Woods Cross Utah a condition I aim to correct come the first, but any way I’m here now, perhaps some time in the near future my former Sullivan ward Bishop, will have relayed the message and a member of my local ward will come visit.
As I put my byrd in the cage, I will finish by saying I’m working on my book, The Book of AyreWolf.
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