Saturday, December 27, 2014


wolf tymezAYRE RUSH

In March maybe April as part of my NAB trip, I plan on taking a side run over to Palo Alto, as well as Mountain View California. If I make it past even one of them without getting arrested as far as where I plan on visiting it’ll be a real miracle, but there’s things on both my Facebook account, My Yahoo account, and if not worse my Google account. Then of course there is LinkedIn but they’re not a big worry.

The rest has important connections and information vectors that I need to keep 49,999 Knytes, AyreWolvez,Toew Bro’s Club, amongst that the RodeWolvez and the Rode Knytes informed. Yet I find that from a phone call to one, one of the few female members with voting privileges of and for the club, has been blocked on Facebook. But dig this, neither she nor I blocked it, in fact she was quite furious about it and trust me, there might not be no Mark Zuckerburg after she’s done, you get her pissed out comes the artillery and she knows how to use it, her old man is a weapons marksman for the Idaho National Guard. But that’s only one, its time these big mammoths of the web realize that its us the public are what lights their candles. So in Knytes diplomatic style, I plan on going to all of my places of information distribution, ruffling up a collar or two and getting things repaired. Maybe after all three will set up self help desks manned by their people to help get clients out of jambs.

I posted a entry from the Word Press Knytes’ Scroll, and we’ll see about the response. It’s like this old boy that yaps about kicking Al Sharpton’s ass. The real deal is this, if it came to it , he’d hide behind his key board. Back years ago, we who drove truck all, many still do) had CB radios. Every town had at least one, some were all night preachers, some were pavement princess’s , but most every town had what we called a CB RAMBO. Who as long as he could hide in his house or behind his microphone were all mighty. Find the Rambo, and he usually was some damned geek, in a Vega, or some teen that needed an attitude adjustment, from his drug induced abuse. However I will say this, not all but most of my CB bro’s and sis’s if you needed help of some sort, would give up some smoke money for the month, and pass the hat around to gather up enough spare change to get one out of a mess. Or to contribute to a cause or project. While I have seen many successful fund raisers done on Facebook, and such, I have never found one that said hey, old Wolf there we know it’s not going in your pocket its for the benefit of the club, I’ll give up one family trip to McDonalds, here’s my $20.00 . If you got 20 or 30 of your cb pals to cough up a $20.00 you usually had enough with matching money of your own to get-r-done. But not us and the so called Long Live Dixie or some other fronting group on Facebook, that is all yap, no real grunt.

They show that they’re just fronting hiding behind our rebel flag that they’re just posers. Since anyone knows that Southern people in a town or whatever know sometimes ya’ll get in a mess, so they’ll pass the hat around town to get some money for an emergency. Not just say sorry ain’t got it, what do ya’ll want to bet the same people spent at least $75.00 to $100.00 on gifts, put $10.00 or $20.00 in the Salvation Army’s red bucket. best thing to have gave to for those who are real REBELs of Dixie, would have been to help out HazzardAyre Radio.

Don’t worry friends this will get fixed, I just wish there was a way to at least qualify these people that put up pages on Facebook, since many are just fronts. How about contributing to a real cause, that for us is Southern Rebel Liberty.


my tag_thumbCLUB WYNGZ2


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