Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Please Somebody get me my Goody’s

Dixie Nation News wolfs scroll

Even today the products and customs that originated in the south are barely recognized in Yankee Ville. For instance , if you Google; Get me My Goody’s , you’ll get a referral to an Ice cream brand. Goody’s is not ice cream, its called Goody’s Headache powders and is available at all Krogers, Smith’s, and Wal-Mart stores. Its 1000 powerful on headache pain, that as I get back into the grind to carve out a living and money for the Knytes is a needed thing, but let’s go over December and recognize the reasons for me needing my Goody’s.

In the last week or so of November 2014, the management of the firm owning the building from which we lease office space from for HazzardAyre Radio, said get that stinky hammock sleeper out of here. i told them I would and did, even then after a months needing to sleep in the office I was looking at a new place to drop anchor, refer to my last entry.

So I traipsed up here to Wyoming, thought I’d found a place, but then troubles upon troubles. First aircraft goes down can’t get out of the area to save my soul, and with little to no access to either cell or email/internet we as a communications team were KO’d. Then the little truck suffered a malady, which good old Nate is about done fixing, but had to order parts. So between that the parts for the 407B Helicopter and all my funds drained faster than Boss Hogg drinking a mint julep . Then of course the deep freeze, nothing moved and with fuel and logistical problems, could not get funds for the office in Woods Cross Utah, which I’m fixing on the 3rd of January. I’d do it on the first but I think many there will be recovering or celebrating New Years.

So rather than sit in a freeze box and all Its go home to the office, find quarters in that area and settle down. There’s enuff money to do it, just need to creatively do some accounting to make it fly.

So then comes slow internet. No matter how much somebody tells you that its easy to give up the Caddy for the Toyota, its not. Once you have high performance internet going back to a turtle is really difficult. Despite the claims of economic reality and all the fact is there could be faster broadband in and around Evanston Wyoming than there is. It’s just figuring out how, which is what the Knytes are doing here.

Getting to translator peaks without the Confederate Soldier(our helicopter) we had to use snowmobiles. Which is okay , but once on the other side of the Uinta Mountain range no talk means no talk. Line of site two way is about as good as it gets. Evanston Wyoming itself has a population of roughly 13,000 people while the County(Uinta County) has a estimated population of just under 25k in population numbers. Together that’s nearly 30,000 people that would rejoice in happiness if there was a faster more efficient internet VOIP system here. So rather than complain the Knytes are doing something about that, but, we can’t yet get there , by ignoring our current operation in Woods Cross, Utah and finding a homestead here is tighter than one would believe. With all this stress it’s no wonder , that when I get online as I can now, no phone yet but getting there, but getting online, staying online and being able to communicate with John and the good people at I4, has been a need of hey will someone Get me my Goody’s.

Anybody need a Santa Clause?


my tag_thumb CLUB WYNGZ2


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