Thursday, December 18, 2014

All you modern day Confederates, Hazzard lovers and preservationists better give attention!!


All you who are Members of Gary’s Long Live the South group and all best listen up!!

Facebook popped in with a Q&A asking are posts, including pics of our Dixie flag were ads. Mine, Gary’s , and the entire page is being targeted. If you had a reason to support HazzardAyre Radio and the Knytes, this might be the thing that pushes you off your safe complacency and moves you into dropping in that 420.00 contribution. Why? because if HazzardAyre is saved we can finally finish the website that goes with it, which means ya’ll can sound off southern Hazzard County style without the fear of big bawd Facebook.

When Gary and his friends get q&a’s from Facebook, it means they’re looking to charge somebody, big money, so if you want to save Long Live the South, you better think of saving HazzardAyre we are the only ones that are fighting for southern and confederate liberty. Just think of it friends, your freedom of speech is at risk, The Yankee’s and college kids in Palo Alto California want to shut up the voice and spirit of Dixie, they do not understand. If you truly do, I’d get off my tail, and fish out a $20.00 and send it to the Knytes so we can get Gary’s site into a site of its own, that Facebook can’t touch.

Just thought ya’ll ought to know.

KOA2_thumb me too

club save_thumb pleasent view tail_thumb

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