Monday, December 29, 2014

Limitations are only in your mind or The Freezer of Wyoming

Dixie Nation NewsWOLFS VIEW

The Other title I had for this entry was Leaving to Return.

Today marks the very day a month ago, when I ventured here to Evanston, to begin a new chapter in my life of residency in Evanston to further the cause and mission of the Knytes-of-Anarchy as well as the AyreWolvez. To which I thank all those involved at NGL and my neighbors for allowing me to sustain and endure this past month of December.

With that said of course I know that which the media werx of the club, and nothing against NGL or anybody, but the environment of 20mph winds, clouds of frozen snow in front of the tiny antenna and limited budgets, 10mbps down and not much more up is not enough horsepower to sustain HazzardAyre Radio, to the award winning level that is became in Western Utah . Its hard to pilot a simple aircraft when you have had the stick of a fighter in your hands. The same thing exists here, its hard to be patient to attempt a long file download that your used to doing in 5 minutes or less taking 2 hours. But I also know there is much more that can be done to put some more oomph in NGL and the system they currently run. So as far as we are concerned we are sticking with them as far as Wyoming is concerned. Streaming movies from Hulu and such has been near goof proof and not needing constant refreshing to watch an entire program. In fact that has been one aspect that has kept me from going insane here. No TV in my life is not an option, throughout my career both in civilian life and being part of the media farm of both AFRTS and the USMC unit of the Pentagon Channel, I am in TV and of course radio. I have learned from the best and the medium of both TV and Radio will be my secondary career as long as I have breath. Of course flying and building bikes as well as towing will be my primary concerns and efforts. However I can’t live long without seeing TV. I have an insatiable appetite for certain TV shows, and films, I need to be creating them, And I know it can be here even in Evanston with the right amount of vitamins in the diet of western Wyoming IP and yes even NGL. But living in a constant freezing condition as far as weather and in 9 degree temperatures rather than at least 15 to 28 degree warmth is where I need to be. So here’s the aim.

Before I get there understand, from near a few days after I moved in here to now, and my I wish I had never had handed over all of my money to do so, I vowed that unless some big whammy of a miracle occurred that come the first day or few days of January I would bust a move and get me outta here until sometime in about May or June, when it’d be a bit warmer to breathe some serious infusions of Knytes Enginuity into Evanston to benefit the club , its members, and the local public. It seems as though the goddess of luck has smiled on us again. As the same floor and nearly same space as that of which I discovered leaving here in February 2006 is once again available although it may have already been taken. Even so there are places here that can be had, and if possible I’ll be in one by March of 2015 , but keeping what we have in Woods Cross, Utah in the I4 Solutions building. Where the speed of internet is 60 plus rather than a creeping 10, where even with a cold wind, the wind breaks of many buildings keeps me dry and only mildly chilled. But make no mistake we’ll be part of Evanston’s landscape and over the air and Internet radio/TV , but its going to be mid April as it thaws here, before much of that can happen. Plans of outright buying of KEVO and retrofitting that and renaming it with a HazzardAyre twist, to establishing our own OTA station is really in the winds, but putting blankets over windows to keep warm, and thankfully I don’t have to pay heat or power bills here as I have had to keep the heater on 90 just to raise the inside warmth level to 60 is ridiculous. I need to be warm, something maybe to do with my southern roots but Dixie people don’t do well in snow, ice and sub zero. I need to be closer to town, have indoor HEATED places for the trucks and me, and cable tv/internet, to gain some real altitude. Make no mistake we are not dropping NGL, but looking at other back up resources. The howls of the Wolvez need to be heard. And we plan on being the Alpha Wolvez rather AyreWolvez doing the howling. Our nations future depends on it. The future of Evanston and southwestern Wyoming depends on our success. We look to having NGL as our Internet provider for years to come, but that said it’ll be in another location in Evanston.

And I mean IN Evanston not on the fringes of it.

So Next Monday I pack up and head west to Utah, resume operations in Woods Cross Utah and in March return to get this op in Wyoming off the tarmac, between then and now I need to thaw out.




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