Saturday, December 27, 2014

I’m not so convinced the Interview incident wasn’t a farce

wolf tymezwolfs scroll

Okay I have heard all this junk about the Interview, incident. How Sony Pictures got hacked by North Korea to thwart the films success. Maybe, maybe not , but Sony Pictures has to be loving all the promotion of which much even they couldn’t buy, for a film that was in the toilet to begin with.

Before the big hack scare, few knew of or really cared about the Interview. It was Louis CK, or at least a bad SNL film. But this is not the first farce that has been played on the public.

We all know that 80 % of 911 was a Government orgastraited fiasco.

We all know that had the Government wanted those towers protected, there was a Apache helicopter base just across the bay that could have taken out the two planes miles off shore and no big whammy, that still has many American people with their heads up their ass and in the sand.

But what was that one for? So that Bush Junior could finish what Bush senior started. Once he did you noticed it was a lame goose season in the Government, nothing getting accomplished and now we have a person who ought to be wearing chains and a ball on his ankle , as President. But with it all chains and a ball good or bad at least good old Obama, is trying to do something, not just sit on his ass, kissing ass and shaking babies. At least Obama is trying to pass legislation, he hears the the common folks, and while I don’t necessarily like all his programs, nor do I like his FCC chairman who wont open a 2nd filing window for LPFM/LPTV apps for rural America, I still have to say that if I had Senator Reid or Boehner in office, I’d run off to England. London has more freedom than we do, and better TV, watch Fresh Meat on hulu if you want an example.

But getting back, why is it that with all that President Obama is in Hawaii, playing golf and looking like he didn’t care about the hacked Interview bullshit? Because it was a publicity thing and very little more. The Japs at Sony, had a dick weaving contest with North Korea, North Korea lost and guess what the film got booted from mainline theaters to the grade B picture houses, but still grossed a $1,million dollare ROI, not a bad day at work.

My opinion I could be wrong.

Now what are we going to do about Facebook and Yahoo putting up the same news and trendings? And what is this about the sponsored pages, which are loaded with Malware,spyware, and virus’s . Sure your just scrolling away, see an article about Bruce Jenner’s daughters, and wham you just sank your computer into a dung filled pyle of computer manure. Damn it if AOL, ends up buying Yahoo, and that’d be a reason to leave Yahoo, I wasn’t a big fan of AOL, that always poisoned my computers, with malware, but Miss Mayers of Yahoo, will be out of a job and appearing with Rosie and friends on sister company ABC’s the view. You did know that Yahoo, is partly owned by ABC/Disney, didn’t you?

Maybe its time for a new , independent player to be brought on stage here.

No I’m not so convinced that the Interview Incident wasn’t a farce, more like one well planned and executed publicity gimmick. Just hope the who gets busted and really jailed.


my tag_thumbCLUB WYNGZ2


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