Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Loyalty and service

Dixie Nation News KNYTES SCROLL 2

Loyalty, it’s one of if not the cornerstones of the Knytes-of-Anarchy. Piss one of us off, don’t help the club if we ask, don’t follow through on a requested task, you piss off the rest of the club, all 50,000 of us.

Few weeks ago, a fellow that I had not heard from since Twin Falls at least , wanted me to LIKE his page on Facebook. I did. The Live Long the South, was a good bounce off point for the confederate amongst us in the club. So I put up multiple times, a request that some of those on that page might be willing to fish out a $20.00 or so and send it to the Knytes to offset the financial condition of HazzardAyre Radio. Not even one hello we’ll help, count me in nothing.

Now I fully understand that all too many due to Obamanomics and so on that many are scratching the bottom of a very shallow pocketbook, but I also know that many are buying smokes, or doing the McDonalds take out eat thing, or buying Christmas gifts. Many could fish out $20.00 or even $10.00 to help. Granted 10 people scratching up $10.00 wouldn’t do much but it would be a sign that all would be willing to sacrifice for the cause. 20, members of Gary’s page at $20.00 would be half of what we need to fix the malady of HazzardAyre, yet not one. So knowing that again it’ll be me having to go without to rescue the radio gear, move it here(maybe, don’t push the maybe baby) to Evanston and get back to our radio operations here. But Gary then wants me to again like his page? No way. Nor will many of the club.

Loyalty to us comes from so many places, and tasks. Its instilled in us in combat beit on ground or in the air. If you can’t count on your buddies to cover your ass in a dog fight in the air, or crawling through sand, in a ground offensive, then your dead. You have got to know your buddy is covering your six, just like your covering his. If that trust and loyalty is not there, you don’t trust again and you need to discard, those you can’t trust for those who you do.

So Gary it ain’t you, but its the club, it’s not only a Southern Thyng, its a Marine thing.


my tag_thumb  CLUB WYNGZ2

DXEAYRE TAIL club save_thumb

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