Sunday, December 14, 2014

I want a party girl like that, Don’t You?


So I woke this mid morning with every intent of going to Church with the neighbors, when I got into a short international call from around the world. Of course the Head Prezz of the club who else?

So the conversation went with questions, like do you think there’s enough talented and open minded people to work the Reaper if we do in fact buy and open it?

Is there places other than what I live in, to rent? Something I’m looking into especially if their already advertising the space. I mean if you want me gone, come over with $350.00 the rest of the money I already paid, in refund, and I’ll be out of here in less than a day.

The club remains very cautious as to even being in Evanston Wyoming. First the place we planned for HCC, way in the stratosphere in per month price. $1,800.00 for the way that joint looks? and its condition? Really? I think two Camel lovers from Bangladesh have been smoking too much weed cause that will not happen, some body is going to have to be very desperate, to move in there. Considering there are places out on 150, at the $450.00 to $700.00 per month range for a HCC location.

For those not in the Know HCC stands for>HCCSCRIPT_thumb As far as the Reaper Club, I have yet to be shown or anything yet that would get me to offer up club money in the tunes of $500k for what I see here.

I and the club ain’t gone, but I made up my mind, I don’t have to live here to get this job done.

So it’s get a refund, or stay until the end of the month, On the 1st or 2nd, of January everything I have here gets put in storage, I live in a motel, and find something either in Utah or if here in Evanston with more attributes. I’ll explore the not telling the truth in next months blogs.

Like the ad here, sure the utilities are paid for, but considering its overridden with mice, earwigs, can’t get cable TV , only Dish , no Centurylink and no DSL there at all, the truth is, no body will rent this , I did, out of need. But now that my brain drained, it’s look elsewhere.

Okay I opened this entry with a simple notation. Did you notice the ads with the cartoon, gal for Texas Hold Em? I sure would love to have a party girl like that , Don’t you?


ayredash me too


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